
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Day 1: A heated debate

Week 3: Up up and away
Day 1: A heated debate
Activity 1: Togs or trackies?
On your blog, tell us what time of year you think is best for tourists for come and visit. Be sure to share at least three things that tourists could do while they were here in NZ.

I think the best time for tourists from overseas should come and visit NZ is during summer. Why you ask? Well, I think that it would be way better to come and visit NZ in summer because the weather is usually hot and dry. You could come and visit during the winter but you would have hardly anything to do except for sitting in your house wrapped in a blanket.

Why you should come to visit in the summer?

1. I thing you should come and visit NZ in the summer is because, when it is summer the air gets really hot. When the air gets hot I think that is the perfect time to go to the beach! Your feet will be able to feel the nice hot sand and even play in the warm sea water, but that's only if you lucky.

2. Another reason why you should come and visit NZ in the summer is because, when there is lovely weather you can even go for walks to the park or even bike rides to the park. You can usually go out for walks with your family. You can bring kites, rugby balls ETC.

3. The last reason why you should come visit NZ in the summer is because in NZ we have some lovely camping ground to camp on (of course). Not only that but when you go out to camp you will even get to see some amazing views of some beautiful water and plants.


  1. Hey there Jahzara, it's Billy again. Glad to see you've completed the entire lot of summer learning journey activities! Great effort.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on when tourists should visit New Zealand. Summer is definitely the best time. The warm weather enables you to enjoy the nature and all of the wonderful outdoor activities. I used to do a lot of camping when I was younger with my family.

    Have you been camping this summer?

    Thanks, Billy

    1. Hi there Billy,

      Thanks for the amazing comment. It's nice to here from you again. It's also cool to hear that you have gone camping with your family.

      I haven't gone camping with my family much but I do hope to when it's the right time to! You know how it's been, really hot these days and it's been super hard to find the right day to do a lot of camping and tramping. Anyways thanks for the comment, hope to hear from you soon.

