Wednesday, 9 December 2020
(Art Collectors) Extension Group 2020
Jane, Oalii, Jahzara ~ Polynesians ~ Extension 2020
In this slide we researched a lot about different countries in the Polynesian area. Our school wide theme was ' A world Of Difference. ' Basing it off any country other than New Zealand. Although we were allowed to look at different areas in Nz. Oalii, Jane and myself worked very hard to get these slides done and also did our part in customising the slides too! :)
Pauline, Valessa & Jahzara ~ Extn Term 2 2020
As part as the last term and session of extension we have been told to post our research slides if we haven't already. This is from way back, in term one. We were researching ' The Living Earth.' Like always, we got split up into groups of 5 or 6 and base our research off whatever group we're in. We looked at things like the weather. I was in a group with Pauline and Valessa. Unfortunately, we were in lockdown at the time of completing these slides but we still managed to get our work done!
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Kei hea a ? ~ Te Reo Maori ~ Rotations
Walt: To say where someone is
Monday, 23 November 2020
Solubility ~ Maths
Walt: make accurate measurements using a variety of measuring equipment
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Monday, 9 November 2020
Tips for blog commenting !
WALT: leave quality blog comments.
This morning we were tasked to find a buddy and create a posted about ' Tips for blog commenting ' For the past few weeks we've been learning on how to improve our blog comments.Friday, 16 October 2020
Plastic Pollutions ~ Literacy
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Friday, 25 September 2020
As I saw it ~ Captain James Cook ~ Activity 3
Inquiry: As I saw it ~ Captain James Cook
Object ~ Mirror
Person ~ Toa Otiriunui
1: What is this Item?
The mirror. The mirror was given to many Maori visitors. Although, they didn't quite know what it was. Since they didn't have the same material as Captain Cook and his crew they either called a mirror 'a small round disk the reflected my face.'
2: Who had this Item ?
At the time, the settlers and the native's were trading things with each other. The Item was given to Toa Otiriunui by 'the man in the red cloak' also know as 'Sydney.' He gave it, wanting to receive his Dog-Skin cloak in return.
3: Item's Perspective
I was used by Captain James Cook for quite a while. He took me along with many other 'trinkets' and took us along with him on shore. He took us, showing friendship. Some of the other people on the Endeavour crew also took other mirrors too. But Cook decided to give the other mirrors to the Maori people that he visited. Later on while we were at shore, we stopped on land. I was placed in John Gore's pocket then later was given to a man. Otiriunui. He seemed confused when he first saw me. It was like he'd never seen a look a like before.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Hinewehi Mohi ~ Literacy :)
This is my reading for the week :) ~ We were tasked to complete the following slides. We were given a text to read then to answer the questions :)
Monday, 14 September 2020
Te Reo Maori ~ Happy Maori Language Week :)
Today at 12pm as a school we decided to sing a couple songs in Maori as it is Maori Language week. We sang to celebrate being able to speak Te Reo Maori again! We did this because...
On the 14th of September, 1972, People in New Zealand who are Maori, started a Petition, fighting to able speak their native language. Signatures were sent to the government in parliament to save Maori Language from being forgotten. Before 1972, speaking in Te Reo was forbidden to speak. Forcing people to speak english. As they followed the rules and the law, people forgot their native language: Maori. Maori people weren't able to pass their language down to the next generation, causing Te Reo Maori to decline.
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Who are you? ~ Home Room Learning :)
Monday, 7 September 2020
Tongan Travel ~ Home class!
Today in Home room we had to solve the questions in the pictures above :) Pauline read the details from the site, outloud, to the class. We were given graphs to help us with the question. Our task was to find out which dot represented who. For example, Who was the first, second, third dot (and so on).
The graphs held the information about who was the tallest, who was the oldest, and who had the most children.
The question was about a boy (Tomu) who has never met his aunties and uncles in Tonga. So the boy asked his father about each of them. The father told him about his uncles and aunties, a graph and gave him the option to ask only 3 question as he had to work out the rest himself. (Read The pictures :) We knew that Aunty Ana had the most children, that Uncle Loni was the tallest and that Uncle Pita was the oldest.
We all had our own time to figure out which dot represented who. Because, Aunty Ana had the most children we looked closer at the most amount of childrens graph. We then knew she was the first dot. We then looked at who the tallest was. It was uncle Loni. So we checked where his dot was placed and moved onto the next dot. The oldest! Which was Uncle Pita. His dot was placed third on each graph. And lastly was Aunty Kuini. As Aunty Kuini had no information about herself, we figured she had the least amount of children, that she was the second tallest and that was one of the youngest.
~ It's Tongan Language week! :) ~
Tonga is made up of 170 Islands! The island itself is located in the Pacific Ocean. The capital of Tonga is Nuku'alofa. Tonga is known as The Friendly Island. It was nicknamed by Captain Hook as he adored the Warm Welcomings, their hospitality and their friendliness.
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Made to Measure! ~ Maths work :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we were tasked to complete the following slides. It involved math equations like finding the perimeter and area of different shapes, converting units, and adding, subtracting fractions and decimals. We've been put into different groups and in each group we all have our strengths and weaknesses and so that decides where we sit. On the last slide we had to figure out the area of a circle. I love doing those and so I decided to do them :)
Anyways, Enjoy :)
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
He hākete kikorangi? ~ Te Reo Maori!
Today in Te Reo Maori we learnt about how to say specific objects in maori. We also did a small revision on our colours in maori as majority learnt a song about our colours a few years back. We then combined the two and found out how to say ' a blue hat ' or so :)
What is Taha Whanau? ~ Inquiry ~ Room 4!
This week we have been looking a lot at the 4 Taha's of health. For this task we took a closer look at Taha Whanau which is about relationships with family, friends, ETC. We talked about how it is affected by lockdown and how we could support it. We also talked in group about what 'we' think it means.
Taha Whanau! ~ Inquiry :)
Dad cooked us all dinner while mum was at work. He made sure we were well feed and on top of that he did his role in being an essential worker. He worked very hard. He also encouraged us to finish our work, to attend out meetings, and to be fully ready in the mornings.
Mum also did some cooking for us too! But as she was at work, she found it hard coming home and making dinner. Which is why she relied on my dad :) As said, she did her part in being an essential worked and worked very hard also :) Other then that, she shopped for the things we needed during lockdown and also cleaned every mornings before she was off to work.
( I know I wasn't suppose to do as many paragraphs as I had done, but I felt a bit weird as I hadn't finished my work on time so I decided to do a bit of extra work to motivate me to do better next time and to Finish It Off Properly! )
Meet Measurement! ~ Lockdown FIOP/learning :) ~ Maths!
Measurements! ~ Maths!
This presentation is based off Measurements. We are getting back into the system of learning our measurements. But is also based off things we've done in the past. Eg, decimal, converting units and finding the perimeter and area.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Taha Tinana ~ Health ~ Inquiry
Today we worked on this task. We talked about what Taha Tinana is and how it was affected when we were in lockdown. We wrote and stated reasons to answer to every question asked.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
He pene tau? ~ Maori ~ Distance Learning :)
Task Description:
Today in our bubble we joined our Te Reo Maori meeting with Miss Tapuke. We talked about the new work we have to complete this week. He pene tau? Have 'you' got a pen? We took turns asking each other if they had a specific item. Some said paint and some said pencils. In the slides we had to complete the responses in each speech bubbles using the correct words. Our last task was the 'create task.'
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Why did Rona blame the moon? ~ Writing :)
Today we were tasked to right 2 paragraphs (max) about why we support or don't support Marama's
choice of blaming the moon for her fall/spilling the water. We talked together in our call as some of us stated our reasons then.
What do you think ?
Before I forget 2.0
Task Description:
Today we did a small revision on what we've been working on for the past few months. We gave our minds a small top up of what we may or may have not forgotten. We reminded ourselves about symmetry, graphs, factors, squared and square root, fractions and more.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
A Moon Myth ~ Rona's Stuck in the moon!? ~ LIteracy work :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we were tasked to read two stories about Rona and the moon. And because of Covid-19 we're back and learning online :) We were also tasked to watch the video and complete a story board of the myth! We also do a lot of breaking texts into word groups and that's also what I've done.
Enjoy :/
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Sir Isaac Newton :) ~ Maths week with Room 4!
Walt: Subtract 3 digit numbers.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Camp 2021 (Step up 2021)
Camp was amazing this year! We were given the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone. Which was cool to see everyone giving it a shot.
The activities were so much fun. I would've liked to do the flying fox or even go for a swim, but obviously it's too cold. The next set of year 8's should have the amazing opportunity to do what we experienced and I feel like they should be just as greatful as we were. The Kauaeranga Site had the option of a camp fire. I feel like the year 7's moving into year 8 would have a wonderful time having amazing conversations while roasting marshmallows or even singing songs. It would also be really cool to see the future year 8's participate in some new things.
But I also feel like in 2021 year 8's should have more time at camp. Maybe a week or so? A week to do more activities with friends and to find their way around.
Overall, the 3 days spent at camp are really important. You get to learn new things and lesson and shine through. Treasure these opportunities and try it out :)
That's all from me :)
Year 8 Camp ~ Term 3 :)
Last week on the 5th of August the year 8 student had the opportunity to attend the Year 8 Leadership Camp at Kauaeranga Valley Christian camp. We had 3 days away from our family and the year 7's. I was in the team Kauaeranga A. My captain in charge was Leilani! The whole point of this camp was to step up and to take charge which really shone through :)
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Time Line ~ Room 4 Inquiry - Otirinui

Today we looked at different people's point of view. My person was Otirinui. We looked at what had happened on the 9th of November, 1769. The tragedy of Gore and the shooting. We looked and investigated it as a class. We talked about what each person saw and what they were doing.
Friday, 31 July 2020
The Watcher Of The South ~ Mrs Tapuke Inquiry :)
In the presentation above we had to complete the following slides. We watched a video and also took notes. We also had to put together a story. We watched a video with no noise and tried to correct the story we were putting together. We then listened to the story to see if we had it all correct :)
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Sweet fractions~ Room 4 - DMIC
WALT: Find equivalent fractions.
Today in DMIC we worked on our fractions. We are learning heaps about fractions, like how to convert fractions to decimals. Today we were focusing on lengths and equivalent fractions.
We had a question in front of the class for our DMIC group to answer. "Jahzara has a liquorice that is 12cm, she has 3 other friends. How is she going to split it evenly for the 4 of them?" We then worked out what our steps would be to solving our question. Once we worked that out we got onto splitting it evenly into quarters.
Our next question was, "Jahzara's other 2 friends arrive and would like some as well. How will you divide the lace again so each of them have the same amount?" We figured we needed to split it into 2/12 for everyone to get a equal amount. We cut up each of our quarters into three equal pieces (twelfths) and then everyone would get 2/12 like in the picture.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Paul Bunyan! ~ Room 1 Inquiry
Task Description:
In this presentation we got the opportunity to learn about Paul Bunyan. We watched videos about the Myth and wrote down notes about him. We talked amongst ourselves and talked about how it could've came to be. The last and final task we had was to highlight the special landmarks that connected to paul.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Cambodian Myth of Lightning, Thunder and Rain ~ Room 5!
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Myth Of Hermes
Immersion Assembly~Term 3 :)
Team one mostly focused on how other people from other countries get to school, what they eat for lunch and what they do after school. Their main focus is to learn more about different countries. What they do before school, after and during. Schools in other countries are different to us and so I think it'll be cool that they're looking at how they work :)
Team Two had a set of the cartoon Dora. It was a cool way to present their movie. They had a look at other places around New Zealand. They had a look at the many famous places like, Rotorua and the mud pools, Queens town and the snow, ETC. They also made the choice to not only explore New Zealand but to also explore the world :)
Team 3 made a movie based off of 'The Amazing race.' Due to covid-19, some people haven't been able to travel the world. So they found a way to travel without getting on a plane. The amazing race had a whole bunch of challenges to complete. Visiting the many well known places around the world. Traveling to Egypt, New York, Rio and more.
Team 4! Team 4 looked at the different foods in other counties. They ate and discussed about where it comes from. They explored Google Earth and explored their food. I reckon this would be an amazing way to learn about different countries as many people do love food.
Team 5 based their movie off Sina and the Eel. We'll be looking at different Myths and Legends that link to different traditions and countries. We'll be showing our learning through, movies and animations. Although I know a few Myths around the polynesian area, it'll be cool learning more about different legends all around.
I'm very excited to learn lots this year. A fresh start to the term! Lets make the most of it :)
Monday, 13 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 1, Week 2 -Taking the lead!
Barack Obama was the President of the United States of America (USA) from 2009 - 2017. He made history as the first African American person to be elected President of the USA.
Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya, Africa and his mother was American. His parents divorced when he was young and his father died in a car crash when Barack was 21 years old. As a young man Barack studied law at university which is where he met his wife, Michelle.
Together, Barack and Michelle have spent much of their adult lives helping others and giving back to their community. When they are not at work, they can be found doing their favourite things, including spending time with their family, playing with their dog, or going to the gym.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you also enjoy spending time with family? Do you have a special
On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
Friday, 10 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Extra Activity - Text mesage!
If you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa - what would it be? NO more than 10 words!
Write in screen here, take a pic and post on your blog to end your first week of our Winter Learning Journey.
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 5 - Quotes :)
These will be quotes - sayings that you find helpful from your whanau!
Post on your blog with a written explanation for each quote.
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 4 - Good as!
In this activity you are to
1. Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date)
2. Write similes about this sports star
3. Publish both pieces on your blog!
Today was one of my favourite activities so far. I was able to connected to this task and also had a lot of fun! I enjoyed writing about Jonah Lomu and enjoyed learning more about him! I don't actually have a favourite Kiwi Sports Star so I asked my dad who his favourite New Zealand sports star is! I knew Jonah as a amazing rugby star but I didn't look into his back story as much. So I'm glad I participated in this task today :)
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 3 - Fast as!
Activity 1: Faster than a speeding bullet
For this activity, please create four new similes. You can use the starters below or you can make up your own.
… is as fast as… (eg: The brand new Ferrari is as fast as a lightning bolt)
… is as tall as…
… is as small as…
… is beautiful like...
On your blog, share the similes that you have created with your readers.
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 2 - Tusitala
In this activity we got the chance to describe a well known character, BFG aka the Big Friendly Giant. We were also able to draw a picture of the big friendly giant. But since I've seen the movie and character many times it's hard to unsee what he looks like. I tried to draw him but every time I do it looks quiet the same :( This activity was very fun :) Listening to David read was very entertaining, seeing the expressions he uses :) This is actually, activity 2 but since I couldn't blog yesterday I decided to do it (also) today.
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity one! - Explore your roots :)

Happy holidays! Today was the first day to be able to join in on the Winter learning Journey. Today's first activity was to learn and share our pepeha! I have a few pepeha but the pepeha I used is from my grandmother's side. I learnt my pepeha around last year but every now and then it's a good idea to go back to it :) I was actually think of just posting normal blog posts of daily diaries, etc. But I find this more interesting. More activities coming your way Team 5 teachers! Enjoy :)
Friday, 3 July 2020
Water Cycle Animation :)
This is my Term 2 animation. This term we looked at different things happening in the world. We had to choice to choose which one to base our animation off. I chose the water cycle! We were tasked to animate the water cycle and explain how it works with a voice over. We then had to edit it on Imovie and publish it on our blogs. I just got it done in time for it to be marked :) Lovely! Enjoy the ending too :) Very special!
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Term 2 Reflection :)
Lockdown Learning~
Lockdown learning was fun, yet tragic. Jumping on calls every morning to learn online with our teachers was a fun way to keep in contact with each other. We stressed a lot, not knowing if we were able to go back to school, due to Covid-19. Each day we were given our normal literacy and maths slides to complete and on top of that we were also given a education pack. Lending us, coloring pencils, books and pens!.
Back to school~
Coming back to school was a struggle as we still had to follow a lot of strict rules. We were still not able to touch people as we had to 'keep our distance.' Being back at school was a reliever, being able to see our teachers, friends and more was very heartwarming. We also made a move to our new home class. Off to Mrs Stone! For the past few weeks we listened in with our Prime Minister and made sure we were sticking to her rules. Sooner or later, we moved to level one, allowing us to now come closer with each other.
40 Famine~
40 hour famine was one of my highlights this term. We were able to create house forts out of cardboard. Play reverse charades and drink juice and eat bali sugars. We shared our thoughts on why we fundraise and fast for this cause. Making massive impacts on childrens and families lives is a good thing to do as some of them need a lot of help! Being able to be one of the peoples making impact on their lives and experiencing what they have been through means a lot!
This was a fun day for our whole school to connect and celebrate Maori New years. We got split up into different groups. Art and crafts, Sports, Cooking and Movie Making. Each group did their own creative thing. Making and doing things. I was in the arts and crafts group and I must say, it was a pretty fun experience. Others made delicious cookies, played some pretty cool sports, made some creations and movies! It was amazing to see our whole school come together and celebrate such an important even with everyone else! :)
As you have read, we have had quite a on and off term! We have also had a special person visit us at our school assembly. Joseph Parker! Thank you for sharing your experience and your amazing and inspiring quotes. I was also lucky enough to be a school leader and run the school assemblies! It was really fun!
I want to thank all the teachers, student and staff members for making amazing things possible this term. And to all you students, thank you for participating in a lot of awesome events! Can't wait for another term of excitement. Especially year 8 camp! I'm ready :)
Also a massive farewell to Miss Donaldson! Love towards you on your new journey! God Bless, we will miss you lots :)
The Million Pound Banknote! Part 2 :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we read/listened to the second part of our story. We answered the questions and thought about what was happening in the story. Once we completed the slides we were tasked to post it on our blogs!
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Fractions Level 3!
Task Description:
In this presentation we had to complete the following slides. We were working on equivalent fractions. Due to being stuck, we went to workshop 2 where Mrs Stone helped us out. She helped us understand how to work it out and how to find correct answers!
Monday, 29 June 2020
Fractions 2.3 : Room 4 :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about Fractions. First we had a recap about what we did last week. We then moved onto the slides. This time we didn't talk in big groups about our answers. We worked individually, that is until I got stuck. Mrs Stone helped me with the last slide as I did get really stuck. It helped me alot! :)
Bank note ~ Room 4 Literacy!
Task Description:
Today in Room 4 we read a text called; 'The $1m pound Bank-Note.' After reading the text we had a look at it as a class and talked about the main key points. We then got into the Q/A. We looked at the different questions and what they were about. :)
Friday, 26 June 2020
Matariki ~ My Wonderful, Tragic Day :)
Today we celebrated Matariki! Matariki is in fact the Maori name for the cluster of stars called the pleiades. Matariki is about celebrating Maori new years. The Pleiades are a seven star cluster. Many people debate on whether there are 7 or 9 stars. The Maori constellations states that there are 7 stars. Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Ururangi and Matariki!
After our school assembly we set off to our groups. The previous week, we got the chance to choose what group we wanted to be in. The options were, Cooking, Arts and crafts, Movie making and sports. I wanted to be in either sports or cooking but I got put into Arts and crafts :/ Due to some, uneven groups. I was with Mrs Stone and Mrs Carruthers in room 4.
Our task was to decorate some printed off stars. Seven of them! We could use any design we wanted. Our next step was to use dye to create a background for our stars. 'There's no wrong awnser to art." Just go for it! :) I first started off with completing my seven stars. The supplies we were able to use were colored pencils and coloring felts. I chose some pretty unique designs. I also sat on a table with some of my close friends, John, Kitione, Brendon and Kobey. We talked quite a lot. And the classroom was pretty noisy too, so it wasn't just us :)
Once I finished decorating my stars, I went outside and got onto my background while Mrs Carruthers cut out my stars. I used purple, light and dark blue for my backdrop. I started off pretty well. Until one of my friends Nina accidentally spilt water on me and Pauline's masterpiece! How sad, I was doing so well :( Mrs Stone got both me and Pauline a new piece of paper and we started all over again. I used the same colours and was able to redo my background. In my opinion, it turned out better than the last. I then used white paint to make it look like tiny stars. I got the paint everywhere but my paper. My face, hands, arms, uniform, and legs! It was an absolute disaster, but I'm still happy with my creation. We let our backgrounds dry.
Our last step was to paste our stars onto our backgrounds. Using glue sticks we pasted our stars onto our creative backgrounds and we were finished. A day filled with long conversations, messy art, paint all over the place and a lot of tragic uniforms. Today was all about having fun and celebrating Matariki and at the end of the day, I was happy I got put into Arts and Crafts! At the moment, no photos of the day but once I find some, they'll be here :)) A special thanks to all the teachers and staff members who made today a special and possible day.
A day filled with fun! Happy Matariki!
Thursday, 25 June 2020
BLM Update
Task Description:
In this presentation we read a article in the first slide. In this past few days we've been looking at fake news. Reading this article, we looked closely at the article. We then realized some pretty weird things in the article which made it seem fake. We then did our super investigating and research and found it was posted on a fake website. Our last task was to write about 'how we knew it was fake.'
Enjoy :)
Decimal Number Line ~ Student Teacher Work

Task Description:
Today we are learning decimals off the student teacher page. The student teachers have made some fun work for us to learn about and to complete. It was very enjoyable :)
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Facile Fractions
Task Description:
We are learning how to find a fraction of a set. Today Mrs Stone did a activity with us involving M&Ms. She asked us how many M&M’s we had in total and to colour sort them. I had 16! She then used equivalent fractions as example for us to understand the task she had set for us. It was very fun! Later on we were then allowed to eat our M&M’s. We then completed our slides and we were done :)
Scandalous Satire! ~ Room 4 Literacy :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about what Satire is. We're also still learning about fake news. To check if the news is fake or real, first check if it’s a legit account. Then check if there’s any other website with the same news. Then Investigate! We read some articles and decided if it was fake or real. Read on to find out more of our work today.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Fake facts!
Task Description:
Today is literacy we learnt about fake news! We watched a video explaining some interesting words and what the consequences are when spreading fake news. We learnt about misinformation, malinformation and disinformation, and what it means. Today was very very very, fun to learn about as I love learning new things :))
Enjoy :D
Friday, 19 June 2020
Nelson Mandela! :)
Task Description:
This is my create task, based on nelson Mandela. I've learnt a whole lot about him and his life. I haven't finished it my presentation but I will soon! If you see any changes being made thats just me fixing it up. For now, have a good read of my create task. Once I've finally finished my slides, I'll change up my task description too!
Enjoy, for now :/ :)
Why do people protest!?
What is a protest?
A protest can be defined as an object or complaint. There are many other ways to protest. Such as a; Hikoi, Petition, March, Meet and/or strike. A protest usually involves a large group of people meeting together to fight or have a massive conflict for a cause. Protests are known to make something better and to make it fair.
What causes a protest?
Usually protests are caused by disagreements and responses to an event. Protesters sometimes organize a public protest so their opinions could be heard! There are so many ways that cause protests. It could be a disagreement with the government's choices, it could be something the public doesn’t agree with and many more. I’ve learnt that many protests are about racism, different rights and disagreements with a statement. Let your opinions be heard!
Do protests actually work?
I’ve learnt that there’s a 50/50% chance that protests will work and won't. Opinions can be heard and can’t. Some make very big impacts on what they're protesting about, but if others are against it, it’s not certain it will work. If everyone is on the same track and if everyone is protesting for the same rights and cause then, you’ll know what happens next. It depends on the government's choices.
Protests have made very big impacts on other lives. We’ve been protesting for 150 years, and we’ll continue to protest for many more! :)
Terrific Transformations!
Task Description:
Today is maths we learnt about transformation. That is enlarging shapes, lines of symmetry, Order of symmetry and reflection. We watched a video explaining what order of symmetry is. We also did a lot of work as a class! This was kind of a reflection/recap as we did some of this work last year!
Enjoy today's math work! :/
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Noughts and crosses
Task description:
Have you ever been unfairly judged? If so I recommend this novel to you.
Today in Room 4, group A read a story called noughts and crosses. We looked at the different perspectives of two different people. Read on to find out more!
Monday, 15 June 2020
Stand up! ~ Literacy work - Reading: Room 4
Task Description:
In this presentation we had the opportunity to talk about New Zealand's protesting over the past 150 years. We read a story called 'Stand up.' It talked about the different protests that happened over time in New Zealand and why. We mainly focused on 'The Parihaka Protest" & 'The Women's Suffrage Protest.' We talked about what the cause of the protesting were and answered in our own words in the following slides. We looked closely at why it was important to protest. We were also given the task to do some more research on one of the other protests in the story.
I'm actually proud of myself with this task because, I don't take much time to read the story properly and I don't take time to understand what the story is telling me. Today was different as I took my time and processed what the story is about. I was able to understand what it was telling me and I very much enjoyed learning about something new!
Enjoy :))
Friday, 12 June 2020
First Assembly Back!
Mrs Nua started us off and introduced our little ceremony for Mr and Mrs Burt. Pisi then said a heart warming speech to both Mr and Mrs Burt. Aj & Freedom blessed them both with a prayer as Me, Tha-Zin, Marika, Aj, Hunter & Freedom gave them necklaces/Lolly leis. After the prayer, we sang Ufiufi Mai, a samoan hymn. We also sang Ka Waiata a Maori waiata. As the last couple lines of Ka waiata was being sung, Levi, Mrs Haree and the year 8 boys started off one of our well known hakas. It felt wrong for me to not join in so of course I joined in :) As some of my fellow friends know this saying, 'Go big or go home.' :) Y'all will understand!
After the haka Mr Burt thanked us all, as we played a big part in his special award.
Thank you Mr Burt and Mrs Burt for the massive impacts you've made in so many children's lives. You've provided Chromebooks and technology for us to learn on. You've made camps possible and a whole lot of events possible for us children. Thank you for helping families in need and for always being the hard working people you are. We all love you lots!
Ofa lahi atu!
What is the Biosphere
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about the Biosphere. We learnt about what it's about and what some Biome are. We watched videos and answered questions. We had a look at different biomes what animals and the different features of the biome.
Enjoy :/
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Great Geometry ~ GG!
Task description:
In this presentation we were tasked to make our own shapes. Using the same website we used a few days ago. We had to use 30 or less blocks to make a shape. We then had to paste it into our slides. We also had to look at the 3 dimensions of a shape. The top, front and right view. We looked at something slightly new today too! We had a look at temperatures and odd or greater numbers. We also had a look at some other things with the class. Enjoy :))
A Brush with the Dark Side!
Task Description:
In this presentation we read 'A brush with a dark side.' We talked about it more with Mrs Stone and talked about what it meant and what it's about. Mrs Stone then moved onto Clause. It was a very fun task as this was way different to what I usually learn about.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
2D Representations!
Task Description:
Today we learnt the three dimensions of a 3D shape. The top view, front view and right view. We watched a video explaining what a 3D shape would look like from the top, front and right side. In the next slide after the previous slide we had a go ourselves. We had to circle the correct dimension. Showing either the front or top view. We then had a look at a video and made some shapes our selves with a specific amount of blocks. We looked at the 3 dimensions and made a couple more shapes.
Today was very fun as I have actually done some work like this before. We did it in previous years but it was nice being able to recap on these tasks and also do some work as a class. My slides do look a bit empty but I had to make sure I got this piece of work up onto my blog asap. So all I did was erase the small amount of work that I did not get around to finish. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, 8 June 2020
What's the point? ~ Literacy work
Task description:
Today in room 4 literacy we learnt about 'what the moral of a story is.' First we watched a video as a class. ~ The boy who cried wolf. We talked about what the moral was and pasted it into the slides. We then read a short story and did the same. We read - 'Lion and the mouse' We did a little recap on what the story was about and what the meaning behind the story was. Kindness given - Kindness gained. Our next task was to read 'The dinner party' We did the same with the previous stories then talked about it with the class. But our last task was to create our own story. We had to have a nice moral too.
Today's literacy work was pretty fun! I enjoyed making my own story and identifying the meanings behind the stories!
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Prisms, Hedrons ETC ~ 3D shapes!
Task Descriptions:
For the past few week's we've been learning about 3D shapes. Today we named some shapes, grouped some shapes finished the table then had a looked at nets. Not Fishing nets :) We looked at the different ways we could make our own net. Another way of making a cube! Mrs Stone then gave us some paper, scissors and a glue stick. We cut out our nets and folded it to make a prism or another 3D shape. I made a triangular prism. Then we were done for the day!
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
3D Shapes part 2!
Task Description:
Today in maths Mrs Stone gave us the opportunity to make out own 3D shape. Preferably a prism. She gave us Pipe Cleaners and straws. I decided to make a triangular prism. We then had to complete the slides in the presentation. We learnt some other shapes and learnt about the properties of a shape. We mostly worked as a class. Teamwork!
Enjoy :/
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Brown Brother - Stereotypes ~ Huaora
Task Description:
In this presentation we watched a video as a class. The video we watched is on the front/ the first slide on the presentation above. We watched it as a class and listened to every detail Joshua had said. It was about stereotypes. After watching the video we had to answer the questions in the next slide. We talked about what our favorite part of the poem was then all we had to do is post it on our blogs!
Kia ora! ~ Te reo work
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about the informal and formal greetings in maori! The group Hard materials, Cooking and I think another group all went onto a call with Whaea kelly and she explained the what the Maori greetings mean in english. We also learnt how to say good morning, afternoon and Good night!
3D Shapes!
Task Description:
Today room 4 learnt about 3D shapes. Mrs Stone started us off with a video about 3D shapes. Then we grouped the shapes in the slides. Mrs Stone gave us some clay and we shaped some 3D shapes our selves! We also ran through what the edges, vertices and faces. The properties of the shape! We named some 3D shapes ourselves and we were done!
Monday, 25 May 2020
| All Rivers Flow To Sea | ~ Literacy work
Task Description:
In this presentation we were tasked to complete the following slides. I have a bit of unfinished things in this presentation so I'll finish it soon. If you see any changes, then I've finished the rest. We had to highlight the subject in the sentences and the verbs in the sentences. Green and blue! We also read a story and talked about the structure and what is happening. We looked closer at the story as we answered some questions. We then had to write our own little story. My one was about 'the time I decided to come back to school after my aunty had passed due to cancer'
Enjoy!! :))
The Triangles!
Task Description:
Today room 4 maths learnt about triangles/ types of angles. Mrs Stone first introduced maths with a video. We watched as a class. Then Mrs stone introduced pro tractors to the year 7's. We watched a video about how to use a protractor. Kind of like a recap to the year 8s as it was new for the year 7s. We then did our worksheet and got into the presentation. We learnt about acute, obtuse & reflex angles. After that we had to name the triangles and we were done!
Friday, 22 May 2020
The water cycle!
Hello ~ Goodbye
Thursday, 21 May 2020
How to wash your hands :)
Task Description:
In this presentation room 2 literacy had to complete the following slides. We had many tasks to do including making a diagram that shows how to wash your hands. We had to use google images and write instructions to each and one of the steps.
Enjoy :/
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Quadrilateral Shapes :)
Task description:
In this presentation we learnt about quadrilateral shapes. We learnt that a quadrilateral has 4 sides. We then learnt about parallelograms. We had to group the shapes that were parallelogram shapes and the shapes that weren't parallelogram shapes. Then we had to figure out what were the missing angles in the shapes. All the angles had to add up to 360 :) Even though I did a lot of talking, I had lots of fun learning about parallelogram shapes and quadrilateral shapes :)
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about polygon's. We were given tooth picks and were told to make them into shapes. We then had to inform Mrs Stone and tell her if it is a polygon shape or not. We also had to name the shapes correctly. We talked about the properties of the shapes. It was pretty fun and nice knowing we were able to learnt about something new :)
Monday, 11 May 2020
Recap :))
Task Description:
Today we have recapped some of the points we have learnt earlier in the year. This is mostly because Mrs Stone doesn't want us to forget about the things we've done and enjoyed learning about this year. I enjoyed completing these slides as I may have forgotten about some of these math problems ^.^ I also haven't been posting much and that's because I haven't gotten around to do so. I'll try and get that done this week :) Most likely to be scheduled maybe earlier in the week's.
Friday, 8 May 2020
Goodbye Graphs!
Task Description :
Hi there :) I haven't been posting much and that's because I've been losing quite a lot of focus. but this week we finally said goodbye to graphs. Mrs Stone gave us some slides to complete. It was pretty fun, but also sad as we had to say bye eventually :)
Farewell graphs!
Monday, 4 May 2020
Which graph ?
Task Description:
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU! Hahaha, today Mrs Stone gave us some pretty exciting work. Since it's May the fourth Mrs Stone decided to give us something different to work on. In the presentation we had to complete the following slides. In some slides we got asked what graphs would best suit the situation. It was pretty fun.
Enjoy :)
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Line Graphs!
Task Description:
In this presentation we were tasked to finish the following slides. This week we looked at graphs. We get new slides almost everyday and so I try my very best to complete them. Today was about line graphs! It was pretty fun. Home/distant learning has been pretty cool although it has been pretty boring. But luckily school keeps me busy. We had to answer the questions with full answers.
Enjoy :)
My Invention :) ~ Literacy
Task Description:
Miss Tapuke gave us something a bit interesting this week for Literacy. She gave us the task to sketch out an invention that'll be made and be useful for 2057. I decided to sketch out a drone that'll help us reduce our pollution. We then had to come up with 2 sentences that describes and tells my audience what it is and what it does. Then we had to come up with 3 names for our inventions and post it on our blogs!
Here's mine :)
Monday, 20 April 2020
Pie Charts!
Task Description:
Today we learnt about Pie Graphs. This week we've been looking at different types of graphs. The first was Bar graphs. Todays was Pie graphs! Mrs Stone gave us some questions to answer with full sentences. We also needed to make our own charts with a classmates data. I enjoyed today's work as I has a lot of fun completing this activity :)
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Bar Graphs!
Task description:
Today was the first day back to school. Term 2! To kick maths off, Mrs Stone had given us a presentation to complete. It was about Bar Graphs. We were to complete the slide above! Today's slides were rather easy. But thats mostly because we've had some experience in the past years.
Enjoy :)
Monday, 6 April 2020
Easter Learning Journey: Week 2 ~ Day 6: Activity 1, 2 & 3