Speaking of roots, Taika comes from a culturally diverse family. His dad is Māori (Te Whānau-a-Apanui) and his mother is Russian-Jewish. I, on the other hand, am Pākeha (New Zealand European). Most of my ancestors come from England. When I talk about who I am, and introduce myself to others, I sometimes use a pepeha.
For this activity, we would like to create your own pepeha. You can write the pepeha in any language that you wish. If you need some help, please visit this pepeha website or use this template.
Happy holidays! Today was the first day to be able to join in on the Winter learning Journey. Today's first activity was to learn and share our pepeha! I have a few pepeha but the pepeha I used is from my grandmother's side. I learnt my pepeha around last year but every now and then it's a good idea to go back to it :) I was actually think of just posting normal blog posts of daily diaries, etc. But I find this more interesting. More activities coming your way Team 5 teachers! Enjoy :)
Thanks Jahzara for making a start on your 'Winter Learning Journey!' I'm glad as you've shared that you find it useful to re-visit your pepeha on different sides of your family. I'm looking forward to your posts - and go for it with your diary type entries too! Malo Jahzara!