
Tuesday 26 February 2019

How would you be a good role model?

WALT: We are learning about the different parts of an 'Explanation'.

Sitting up, listening, being calm and positive and not being afraid to show your strengths are all apart of being a role model.  Could you pull off these steps and become a role model, not just for younger kids but, for all?!?

~Always look behind you!
First of all, you need to be the very best you can to be a good role model. If you want to see yourself as a good role model, always look behind you! Look behind you to see if anyone is doing the same as you. Don’t do bad, but do good! One more thing, if you are looking behind you always check to see if people that follow you are doing good things! This is a excellent way to see if you are a good role model for other people. You could even look behind other people, and see if they are being a good role model.

~Show your positive side!
Secondly, you always need to show your positive side of yourself. If you don’t understand what I mean here’s an example. Let's say for instance, you are in a really tight area and everyone is yelling in your ear. It’s hot and your getting super annoyed. Would you decide to yell back or do the right thing so everyone can copy? The best way to do the right thing is to use your W.I.T.S, (W-Walk away, I-Ignore it, T-Talk about it, S-Seek help.) What I would do is to talk about it. I would find a teacher and talk to them about what is happening.

~Take charge
Last of all, you need to take charge of, not just yourself but, also of your surroundings.  Taking charge of yourself means being at the place, at the right time and with the right attitude. How this connects to being a good role model is by, making sure you are looking after yourself. If other people see you taking charge, there will be a 85% that others will copy.

I hope you take these step and become a role model! I assure you these steps will work and you will be a better role model for not just other people but also for yourself!

Task Description:

For this task we had to list down steps to being a good role model. We had to include using TIIC (Title, Intro, Information and conclusion). We also made sure that we had interesting and descriptive language!

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