Thursday, 10 December 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
My car
Friday, 4 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Everyday if it's a sunny day we go out for P.E. Miss Va’afusuaga always sets it up there are hops, cones, balls, cricket bats targets and things to throw. Sometimes she sets P.E. up with Mr Moran we do P.E. with years 3 and years 4.
We play games and some of the games are rob the nest, rounders and cricket. We had to practice throwing overarm and underarm. We have rotations. There are five different games. On one of the games we had seven different things to throw at the target. We have class point. If you hit a target then you won a class point. We practice and practice our throwings at P.E.
My favourite game is rob the nest because I like stealing other people's balls. Every time at P.E. I felt extremely excited. Some of the games are difficult. I love to practice throwing. If I run too fast and I get extremely hot. The most best thing that I like in P.E. is that we have fun. I love trying my best in sports. I love it because we all work as a team. We all get fit all the time. P.E is so cool I want to do P.E. everyday. I hope it would be sunny every single day so we can do P.E. everyday.
Manaikalani film festival
On Wednesday the whole class went on an adventure to silverpark. We had to get to school early but I had to get to school even earlier. Some of the people went on a bus but some of the people went in a car. I was one of the people who went in a car. The only reason I went in a car was because I was a presenter and I had to practice my lines. Marika came in the same car as me because she was one of the presenter is well. The Tamaki college school had to walk to the train station and go on a train to silverpark. It was excited because it was my first time being a presenter and because I got to sit in the front seat, the screen was massive. I got to practice in the theater with loud microphones.
When the presenters walked in the the theatre I saw a swarm of chairs. No one was sitting in the chairs because the presenters came earlier than the other classes, that's only because we had to practice. When I sat in the chairs it felt like I was sitting in a marshmallow. The screen was humongous. It was taller than Mr Blakey and it is bigger than a dinosaur. The sound was so loud I couldn't hear myself talk. We went in the extreme theatre. All of the presenters got to sit in the front row. The theatre was dark I couldn't see anyone from the back to the front.
We watched movies made by our school on the enormous screen the movie I liked the most was freedom. I liked Freedom because I would want to have a little freedom. I liked all of the other movies is well. I was impressed by all of the people who made the movies. It was cool being a presenter. When all of the movies were finished I went on a bus with the seniors. I was tired.
Museum trip
Learning about Dinosaurs at the Museum
On our trip to the museum we turned into paleontologists. We had to get into group the groups were 1 2 & 3. Paleontologists are people who goes looking for dinosaur bones which are fossils, they wear a lab coat which is white. Palaeontologists are like scientists but they go looking for fossils. We were learning about tyrannosaurus-Rex & triceratops.
We played a game that was called fossils or not. The first thing was not a fossils because it was just a broken piece of plate, the second one was a fossil which means it was a bone, the last one was a hard one most of the people thought it wasn't a fossils and only 3 people thought it was a fossil. it was a fossils, not only fossils can be in the dirt it can be in shells, in rock or in a block of wood that was from a tree.
While we were at the museum we go to touch dinosaur thing that are like a tyrannosaurus-Rexs tooth or like a triceratops horn but some of the people touched triceratopses poo it was gross. I heaps of people were laughing and laughing.
We were learning about carnivore and herbivores. The dinosaur that was a carnivore was the tyrannosaurus-Rex and the dinosaur that was a herbivore was a triceratops.
It is so funny that Nahea is the same size as a tyrannosaurus- rexs head or the same as its mouth so it would've been it’s lunch but Nahea wouldn't make a T-rex's tummy full. He would want to eat the whole class, I'm just kidding. nyway dinosaurs don't exist anymore they all died 65 million year ago so they're not around anymore. I had fun at the museum
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
All My Trophies
All of my netball trophies are like metal. they all look different. I got all of my trophies by playing well in my netball game. On one of my trophies say year4 all stars netball keenest player of the year 2015, on the other one say pt england year3 all stars netball most consistent player of the year 2014, another says most improved player. I had fun on my netball game and the most important thing to remember always have fun in what you do.

Monday, 16 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Navy band
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Wow what an exciting afternoon I had yesterday. Room 15 went to Mr Moran's class to learn about chromebooks.
We were matched up with a buddy. My buddy Hinerangi she was kind because she let me play some games. There was a dinosaur rap and a dinosaur slide. We listen to the dinosaur rap It was cool. We had to learn about all kind of dinosaurs. It was fun. We had to find pictures of the dinosaur on the internet. We both took tern of looking for photos. We had free time so we went on cool math games.
I felt so excited when I was able to learn about dinosaur with my buddy Hinerangi. We both had fun. I was so excited when I was about to go on the chromebook. My favourite part was when when we got to have free time on cool math games. I can't wait to get a chromebook next year.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
My holiday
Wow what an amazing day I had on Friday. I went to the to the movies, I watched Maze runner 2. I went with my Aunty, my little baby cousin, my sister, my brother, my grandmother and my cousin. I had popcorn, some drinks, chocolate and ice cream. My popcorn was salty.
The best thing the that happened was that we had fun. My little baby cousin didn't cry once there was heap of scary parts and there was some funny parts too. I wasn't scared in the scary part. I can't wait for part 3 to come.
I felt excited when the movie was starting. I got a fright on a couple of the part but I wasn't scared at all. It fun.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
If you want to be a politician you need to work very hard. A politician would have to knock on people's doors and ask if you can vote for them. You would need to stand on the side of the road and wiggle with signs that says vote for me. You would have to deliver pamphlets. You have to be brainy and you have to try your hardest and get as many votes as you can. You have to be a good listener and you can't give up.
Politician work in both Wellington and their local electorate. They work for the government. They take care of roads and retired people. Politician work day and night and they work long hours. They have meetings to help people solve their problems. They have to take taxes from our parents. They help poor people and they decide how to spend their taxes. They help with hospital, schools, and people who needs houses.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
One hen
Kojo is a hard working boy from Ghana, who is a very por. His father passed away with all the money so Kojo has to help his mum collect firewood so they can sell it at the sale. Then he got a little money so he decided to save up so he can go to school.
When his mother receives a loan from some village families, she gives a little money to her son. With the money he decided to buy a hen. He didn't want to eat the hen he wanted to sell the eggs. The next day Kojo found five eggs. He ate two of the eggs and sold the other three at the market.
Kojo studied at school for six months, he had an idea to buy a chicken farm so he went to the bank and ask for a loan.
Kojo started a trust that gives out small loans to people who can not get a loans from a bank. Kojo sold eggs to people to help them.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Netball Prize giving
Friday, 4 September 2015
Firefighters David
If you want to be a firefighter you have to fill out a long form and do all kinds of test. When you do your physical test you have to drag the hose, carry a big heavy tank, and you have to rescue a dummy. You have to be brave, and healthy.
Fire fighters respond to a emergency calls in a variety of ways. A firefighter saves cat when there stuck in trees they even help people in a car crash. They save people In a fire. They help people get their baby's out or the car.
Fire trucks are like a moving tool box. On the top of the fire truck there is a siren, and a ladder. It carries a first aid kits, heavy oxygen tanks, pick-axes, long hoses, tools and gas masks. The colours of the fire truck are red, grey, black, and sometimes silver.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Wheat Bix Triathlon.
last year I did the wheat bix triathlon it was fun. We had to do running swimming and biking. We had to do swimming first then we had to do biking and then running. I loved it. when I finished swimming, biking and running I went to go and get my gold medal. After that I went in a bounce castle witch was fun is well. When I finished I went back home and had a good shower.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Rainy Day Activities
Robin Hood
Long long ago there lived an outlaw called Robin Hood. Robin Hood stole some money from the wealthy. Robin Hood gave the money to the poor peasants who were treated very badly by the cruel sheriff of Nottingham.
The wealthy people hated the outlaws. They were all afraid to go through the Sherwood Forest. They begged to catch the outlaws and and threw them in jail. No matter how hard he tried, the sheriff always failed. The leader of the outlaws was called Robin Hood.
He and his men had made a home for themselves deep in the forest. They practiced and practiced for the archery competition. When the game was over they were going to pronounce the winner. They said it was Robin Hood. Everyone was cheering. Robin Hood was very excited so he shot an arrow and split another arrow in half. When the whole competition was over they all went home. The End.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
My newborn baby sisters.
this is my little twin sisters. They are so cute and chubby. The one in the white suit is Gennevieve and the one in the pink suit is faith. They have lots of clothes to were.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Cinderella said, "a little old fashion but I can fix that."
The prince said, "wait! wait! I never got to know your name." She kept on running and lost her glass shoe. The prince picked the shoe up and told his servants to try and put the shoe on every girl in the world. So they did. Cinderella's stepmother locked Cinderella in a room and went down stairs.
"Give it to me, I will fit it," she said.
She tried to force the shoe on her feet but it didn't fit her.
"I haven't tried it on yet," said Cinderella to the Prince.
She put it on and it fit her.
She said, "Would it help if I had the other shoe."
The Prince said, "yes!"
They got married and lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Saturday, 13 June 2015
PE Style
I made this movie with my friends in year 3 extension.
The first thing we did was to write new words to Taylor Swift's song - Style. Then we had to record ourselves singing. Finally we were able to make our very own MTV.
Friday, 12 June 2015
The Sun Coffee Maker.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Maui and the sun
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Colour poem
My colour is red.
Red tastes like a juicy tomatoes in a club sandwich.
Red smells like a strawberry garden.
Red sounds like little red riding hood going through the forest.
Red feels like a juicy hard apple.
Red looks like a red hoodie.
Red is for Pt England kids.