
Friday 20 November 2015

Museum trip

Learning about Dinosaurs at the  Museum

On our trip to the museum we turned into paleontologists. We had to get into group the groups were 1 2 & 3. Paleontologists are people who goes looking for dinosaur bones which are fossils, they wear a lab coat which is white. Palaeontologists are like scientists but they go looking for fossils. We were learning about tyrannosaurus-Rex & triceratops.

We played a game that was called fossils or not. The first thing was not a fossils because it was just a broken piece of plate, the second one was a fossil which means it was a bone, the last one was a hard one most of the people thought it wasn't a fossils and only 3 people thought it was a fossil. it was a fossils, not only fossils can be in the dirt it can be in shells, in rock or in a block of  wood that was from a tree.

While we were at the museum we go to touch dinosaur thing that are like a tyrannosaurus-Rexs tooth or like a triceratops horn but some of the people touched triceratopses poo it was gross. I heaps of people were laughing and laughing.

We were learning about carnivore and herbivores. The dinosaur that was a carnivore was the tyrannosaurus-Rex and the dinosaur that was a herbivore was a triceratops.

It is so funny that Nahea is the same size as a tyrannosaurus- rexs head or the same as its mouth so it would've been it’s lunch but Nahea wouldn't make a T-rex's tummy full. He would want to eat the whole class, I'm just kidding. nyway dinosaurs don't exist anymore they all died 65 million year ago so they're not around anymore. I had fun at the museum

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