
Tuesday 23 January 2018

What a crazy day!!

I't started off like a normal day. My cousins, sibling and I sitting on our devised staring at our screens, but then I remembered that my mum, dad and I were going to my aunty and uncles house to make sure we keep in contact with each other, have a feed and discuses about my dad's best friend's weeding. My mum and dad were going to pick me up from my nana's house at half past 3 so we can go to my aunty's house.  Once half past 3 came around my mum and dad came to pick me up. First we went to the super market to pick up a couple of things for the feed. Looking around for some things to bring we had no idea what to bring so we rang them to see what the needed. While we rand my aunty we saw a lady with her pet. Does anyone have any idea of what it could be? Well she had some type of lizard. I think it was a bearded dragon. We asked her if we could touch her pet lizard and she said yes. It took me a while to get over myself because I was terrified. After a while I decided to touch her pet. The bearded dragon had spikes on the top of it's body. When I felt the top it felt spiky and a bit rough. I never thought I would ever touch something like that before. Back to the feed with my aunty and uncle. We looked and looked then found all the things that we needed. We bought them and off we went.

Once we got to my aunty and uncles house we started to cook up some food on the BBQ. My parents talked and talked and I had nothing to do. My cousin Mercy is a bit shy but once she got her kite out she started to play with me more. Finally I had something to do. While playing with the kite my other aunty and uncle turned up. We played with the kite for a long time, but suddenly it got stuck in a tree! We had so much fun. The kite went way up into the sky. After Mercy took me into her room and showed me around. Mercy is pretty smart for a 3 year old. Mercy showed me her toys and her bed. After that me and her played with some of her toys until it was time to eat. My mum called us to the table then we said the prayer to bless the food then ate. We had so much yummy food. My favorite food was as always chicken nibbles. They were so yummy. After we ate we went outside and played with her kinetic sand. It was so much fun until it got stuck to our hands. We got so messy. After a while we had to go so we said goodbye and left. I had such a good time.

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