Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Fractions Level 3!
Task Description:
In this presentation we had to complete the following slides. We were working on equivalent fractions. Due to being stuck, we went to workshop 2 where Mrs Stone helped us out. She helped us understand how to work it out and how to find correct answers!
Monday, 29 June 2020
Fractions 2.3 : Room 4 :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about Fractions. First we had a recap about what we did last week. We then moved onto the slides. This time we didn't talk in big groups about our answers. We worked individually, that is until I got stuck. Mrs Stone helped me with the last slide as I did get really stuck. It helped me alot! :)
Bank note ~ Room 4 Literacy!
Walt: Respond critically to literature.
Task Description:
Today in Room 4 we read a text called; 'The $1m pound Bank-Note.' After reading the text we had a look at it as a class and talked about the main key points. We then got into the Q/A. We looked at the different questions and what they were about. :)
Task Description:
Today in Room 4 we read a text called; 'The $1m pound Bank-Note.' After reading the text we had a look at it as a class and talked about the main key points. We then got into the Q/A. We looked at the different questions and what they were about. :)
Friday, 26 June 2020
Matariki ~ My Wonderful, Tragic Day :)
Today was one of the most wonderful yet tragic day's I have ever experienced!
Today we celebrated Matariki! Matariki is in fact the Maori name for the cluster of stars called the pleiades. Matariki is about celebrating Maori new years. The Pleiades are a seven star cluster. Many people debate on whether there are 7 or 9 stars. The Maori constellations states that there are 7 stars. Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Ururangi and Matariki!
After our school assembly we set off to our groups. The previous week, we got the chance to choose what group we wanted to be in. The options were, Cooking, Arts and crafts, Movie making and sports. I wanted to be in either sports or cooking but I got put into Arts and crafts :/ Due to some, uneven groups. I was with Mrs Stone and Mrs Carruthers in room 4.
Our task was to decorate some printed off stars. Seven of them! We could use any design we wanted. Our next step was to use dye to create a background for our stars. 'There's no wrong awnser to art." Just go for it! :) I first started off with completing my seven stars. The supplies we were able to use were colored pencils and coloring felts. I chose some pretty unique designs. I also sat on a table with some of my close friends, John, Kitione, Brendon and Kobey. We talked quite a lot. And the classroom was pretty noisy too, so it wasn't just us :)
Once I finished decorating my stars, I went outside and got onto my background while Mrs Carruthers cut out my stars. I used purple, light and dark blue for my backdrop. I started off pretty well. Until one of my friends Nina accidentally spilt water on me and Pauline's masterpiece! How sad, I was doing so well :( Mrs Stone got both me and Pauline a new piece of paper and we started all over again. I used the same colours and was able to redo my background. In my opinion, it turned out better than the last. I then used white paint to make it look like tiny stars. I got the paint everywhere but my paper. My face, hands, arms, uniform, and legs! It was an absolute disaster, but I'm still happy with my creation. We let our backgrounds dry.
Our last step was to paste our stars onto our backgrounds. Using glue sticks we pasted our stars onto our creative backgrounds and we were finished. A day filled with long conversations, messy art, paint all over the place and a lot of tragic uniforms. Today was all about having fun and celebrating Matariki and at the end of the day, I was happy I got put into Arts and Crafts! At the moment, no photos of the day but once I find some, they'll be here :)) A special thanks to all the teachers and staff members who made today a special and possible day.
A day filled with fun! Happy Matariki!
Today we celebrated Matariki! Matariki is in fact the Maori name for the cluster of stars called the pleiades. Matariki is about celebrating Maori new years. The Pleiades are a seven star cluster. Many people debate on whether there are 7 or 9 stars. The Maori constellations states that there are 7 stars. Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Ururangi and Matariki!
After our school assembly we set off to our groups. The previous week, we got the chance to choose what group we wanted to be in. The options were, Cooking, Arts and crafts, Movie making and sports. I wanted to be in either sports or cooking but I got put into Arts and crafts :/ Due to some, uneven groups. I was with Mrs Stone and Mrs Carruthers in room 4.
Our task was to decorate some printed off stars. Seven of them! We could use any design we wanted. Our next step was to use dye to create a background for our stars. 'There's no wrong awnser to art." Just go for it! :) I first started off with completing my seven stars. The supplies we were able to use were colored pencils and coloring felts. I chose some pretty unique designs. I also sat on a table with some of my close friends, John, Kitione, Brendon and Kobey. We talked quite a lot. And the classroom was pretty noisy too, so it wasn't just us :)
Once I finished decorating my stars, I went outside and got onto my background while Mrs Carruthers cut out my stars. I used purple, light and dark blue for my backdrop. I started off pretty well. Until one of my friends Nina accidentally spilt water on me and Pauline's masterpiece! How sad, I was doing so well :( Mrs Stone got both me and Pauline a new piece of paper and we started all over again. I used the same colours and was able to redo my background. In my opinion, it turned out better than the last. I then used white paint to make it look like tiny stars. I got the paint everywhere but my paper. My face, hands, arms, uniform, and legs! It was an absolute disaster, but I'm still happy with my creation. We let our backgrounds dry.
Our last step was to paste our stars onto our backgrounds. Using glue sticks we pasted our stars onto our creative backgrounds and we were finished. A day filled with long conversations, messy art, paint all over the place and a lot of tragic uniforms. Today was all about having fun and celebrating Matariki and at the end of the day, I was happy I got put into Arts and Crafts! At the moment, no photos of the day but once I find some, they'll be here :)) A special thanks to all the teachers and staff members who made today a special and possible day.
A day filled with fun! Happy Matariki!
Mrs Stone,
Pt England School,
Team 5,
term 2
Thursday, 25 June 2020
BLM Update
Walt: Think critically of what we read
Task Description:
In this presentation we read a article in the first slide. In this past few days we've been looking at fake news. Reading this article, we looked closely at the article. We then realized some pretty weird things in the article which made it seem fake. We then did our super investigating and research and found it was posted on a fake website. Our last task was to write about 'how we knew it was fake.'
Enjoy :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we read a article in the first slide. In this past few days we've been looking at fake news. Reading this article, we looked closely at the article. We then realized some pretty weird things in the article which made it seem fake. We then did our super investigating and research and found it was posted on a fake website. Our last task was to write about 'how we knew it was fake.'
Enjoy :)
Decimal Number Line ~ Student Teacher Work

Task Description:
Today we are learning decimals off the student teacher page. The student teachers have made some fun work for us to learn about and to complete. It was very enjoyable :)
Mrs Stone,
Room 4,
Student Teacher Work,
Team 5,
term 2
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Facile Fractions
Walt: Find a fraction of a set.
Task Description:
We are learning how to find a fraction of a set. Today Mrs Stone did a activity with us involving M&Ms. She asked us how many M&M’s we had in total and to colour sort them. I had 16! She then used equivalent fractions as example for us to understand the task she had set for us. It was very fun! Later on we were then allowed to eat our M&M’s. We then completed our slides and we were done :)
Task Description:
We are learning how to find a fraction of a set. Today Mrs Stone did a activity with us involving M&Ms. She asked us how many M&M’s we had in total and to colour sort them. I had 16! She then used equivalent fractions as example for us to understand the task she had set for us. It was very fun! Later on we were then allowed to eat our M&M’s. We then completed our slides and we were done :)
Scandalous Satire! ~ Room 4 Literacy :)
Walt: Think critically about what we are reading
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about what Satire is. We're also still learning about fake news. To check if the news is fake or real, first check if it’s a legit account. Then check if there’s any other website with the same news. Then Investigate! We read some articles and decided if it was fake or real. Read on to find out more of our work today.
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about what Satire is. We're also still learning about fake news. To check if the news is fake or real, first check if it’s a legit account. Then check if there’s any other website with the same news. Then Investigate! We read some articles and decided if it was fake or real. Read on to find out more of our work today.
Monday, 22 June 2020
Fake facts!
Walt: Think critically of what we read.
Task Description:
Today is literacy we learnt about fake news! We watched a video explaining some interesting words and what the consequences are when spreading fake news. We learnt about misinformation, malinformation and disinformation, and what it means. Today was very very very, fun to learn about as I love learning new things :))
Enjoy :D
Task Description:
Today is literacy we learnt about fake news! We watched a video explaining some interesting words and what the consequences are when spreading fake news. We learnt about misinformation, malinformation and disinformation, and what it means. Today was very very very, fun to learn about as I love learning new things :))
Enjoy :D
Friday, 19 June 2020
Nelson Mandela! :)
Walt: Synthesize information from a text.
Task Description:
This is my create task, based on nelson Mandela. I've learnt a whole lot about him and his life. I haven't finished it my presentation but I will soon! If you see any changes being made thats just me fixing it up. For now, have a good read of my create task. Once I've finally finished my slides, I'll change up my task description too!
Enjoy, for now :/ :)
Task Description:
This is my create task, based on nelson Mandela. I've learnt a whole lot about him and his life. I haven't finished it my presentation but I will soon! If you see any changes being made thats just me fixing it up. For now, have a good read of my create task. Once I've finally finished my slides, I'll change up my task description too!
Enjoy, for now :/ :)
Why do people protest!?
Have you ever wondered why people protest? For the past 150 years, New zealand has been a free country! It’s legal to protest about disagreements and movements that are important, not only in New zealand but in the entire world! Why would you protest?
What is a protest?
A protest can be defined as an object or complaint. There are many other ways to protest. Such as a; Hikoi, Petition, March, Meet and/or strike. A protest usually involves a large group of people meeting together to fight or have a massive conflict for a cause. Protests are known to make something better and to make it fair.
What causes a protest?
Usually protests are caused by disagreements and responses to an event. Protesters sometimes organize a public protest so their opinions could be heard! There are so many ways that cause protests. It could be a disagreement with the government's choices, it could be something the public doesn’t agree with and many more. I’ve learnt that many protests are about racism, different rights and disagreements with a statement. Let your opinions be heard!
Do protests actually work?
I’ve learnt that there’s a 50/50% chance that protests will work and won't. Opinions can be heard and can’t. Some make very big impacts on what they're protesting about, but if others are against it, it’s not certain it will work. If everyone is on the same track and if everyone is protesting for the same rights and cause then, you’ll know what happens next. It depends on the government's choices.
Protests have made very big impacts on other lives. We’ve been protesting for 150 years, and we’ll continue to protest for many more! :)
What is a protest?
A protest can be defined as an object or complaint. There are many other ways to protest. Such as a; Hikoi, Petition, March, Meet and/or strike. A protest usually involves a large group of people meeting together to fight or have a massive conflict for a cause. Protests are known to make something better and to make it fair.
What causes a protest?
Usually protests are caused by disagreements and responses to an event. Protesters sometimes organize a public protest so their opinions could be heard! There are so many ways that cause protests. It could be a disagreement with the government's choices, it could be something the public doesn’t agree with and many more. I’ve learnt that many protests are about racism, different rights and disagreements with a statement. Let your opinions be heard!
Do protests actually work?
I’ve learnt that there’s a 50/50% chance that protests will work and won't. Opinions can be heard and can’t. Some make very big impacts on what they're protesting about, but if others are against it, it’s not certain it will work. If everyone is on the same track and if everyone is protesting for the same rights and cause then, you’ll know what happens next. It depends on the government's choices.
Protests have made very big impacts on other lives. We’ve been protesting for 150 years, and we’ll continue to protest for many more! :)
Room 4,
Team 5,
term 2,
Writing 2020,
Year 8
Terrific Transformations!
WALT: Transform shapes using reflection, rotation and translation.
Task Description:
Today is maths we learnt about transformation. That is enlarging shapes, lines of symmetry, Order of symmetry and reflection. We watched a video explaining what order of symmetry is. We also did a lot of work as a class! This was kind of a reflection/recap as we did some of this work last year!
Enjoy today's math work! :/
Task Description:
Today is maths we learnt about transformation. That is enlarging shapes, lines of symmetry, Order of symmetry and reflection. We watched a video explaining what order of symmetry is. We also did a lot of work as a class! This was kind of a reflection/recap as we did some of this work last year!
Enjoy today's math work! :/
Mrs Stone,
Room 4,
Team 5,
term 2,
Year 7&8,
Year 8
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Noughts and crosses
Walt: Evaluate the writer's purposes and ways in which writers use language and ideas to suit their purposes.
Task description:
Have you ever been unfairly judged? If so I recommend this novel to you.
Today in Room 4, group A read a story called noughts and crosses. We looked at the different perspectives of two different people. Read on to find out more!
Task description:
Have you ever been unfairly judged? If so I recommend this novel to you.
Today in Room 4, group A read a story called noughts and crosses. We looked at the different perspectives of two different people. Read on to find out more!
Monday, 15 June 2020
Stand up! ~ Literacy work - Reading: Room 4
Walt: Combine and condense ideas and information from a range of texts to form and synthesizes a new idea.
Task Description:
In this presentation we had the opportunity to talk about New Zealand's protesting over the past 150 years. We read a story called 'Stand up.' It talked about the different protests that happened over time in New Zealand and why. We mainly focused on 'The Parihaka Protest" & 'The Women's Suffrage Protest.' We talked about what the cause of the protesting were and answered in our own words in the following slides. We looked closely at why it was important to protest. We were also given the task to do some more research on one of the other protests in the story.
I'm actually proud of myself with this task because, I don't take much time to read the story properly and I don't take time to understand what the story is telling me. Today was different as I took my time and processed what the story is about. I was able to understand what it was telling me and I very much enjoyed learning about something new!
Enjoy :))
Task Description:
In this presentation we had the opportunity to talk about New Zealand's protesting over the past 150 years. We read a story called 'Stand up.' It talked about the different protests that happened over time in New Zealand and why. We mainly focused on 'The Parihaka Protest" & 'The Women's Suffrage Protest.' We talked about what the cause of the protesting were and answered in our own words in the following slides. We looked closely at why it was important to protest. We were also given the task to do some more research on one of the other protests in the story.
I'm actually proud of myself with this task because, I don't take much time to read the story properly and I don't take time to understand what the story is telling me. Today was different as I took my time and processed what the story is about. I was able to understand what it was telling me and I very much enjoyed learning about something new!
Enjoy :))
Friday, 12 June 2020
First Assembly Back!
Today we finally had assembly. Not a digital assembly but a real life assembly. I had the opportunity to stand in front of the school with the prefects and run assembly. As a Rangatahi, that's a big role. It was somewhat nerve racking but at the same time, it was pretty easy. We said the school karakia, listened to Pisirina say the mihi and sang the national anthem. We also gave stickers to those who were sitting up. A bit later on in the assembly, we had the opportunity to acknowledge our principal and his lovely wife. Mr and Mrs Burt. Mr Burt had recently been noticed by the queen. He was awarded the queen's award for being kind, talented and for his services at primary schools. Mr Burt is now a Member Of The New Zealand Order Of Merit.
Mrs Nua started us off and introduced our little ceremony for Mr and Mrs Burt. Pisi then said a heart warming speech to both Mr and Mrs Burt. Aj & Freedom blessed them both with a prayer as Me, Tha-Zin, Marika, Aj, Hunter & Freedom gave them necklaces/Lolly leis. After the prayer, we sang Ufiufi Mai, a samoan hymn. We also sang Ka Waiata a Maori waiata. As the last couple lines of Ka waiata was being sung, Levi, Mrs Haree and the year 8 boys started off one of our well known hakas. It felt wrong for me to not join in so of course I joined in :) As some of my fellow friends know this saying, 'Go big or go home.' :) Y'all will understand!
After the haka Mr Burt thanked us all, as we played a big part in his special award.
Thank you Mr Burt and Mrs Burt for the massive impacts you've made in so many children's lives. You've provided Chromebooks and technology for us to learn on. You've made camps possible and a whole lot of events possible for us children. Thank you for helping families in need and for always being the hard working people you are. We all love you lots!
Ofa lahi atu!
Mrs Nua started us off and introduced our little ceremony for Mr and Mrs Burt. Pisi then said a heart warming speech to both Mr and Mrs Burt. Aj & Freedom blessed them both with a prayer as Me, Tha-Zin, Marika, Aj, Hunter & Freedom gave them necklaces/Lolly leis. After the prayer, we sang Ufiufi Mai, a samoan hymn. We also sang Ka Waiata a Maori waiata. As the last couple lines of Ka waiata was being sung, Levi, Mrs Haree and the year 8 boys started off one of our well known hakas. It felt wrong for me to not join in so of course I joined in :) As some of my fellow friends know this saying, 'Go big or go home.' :) Y'all will understand!
After the haka Mr Burt thanked us all, as we played a big part in his special award.
Thank you Mr Burt and Mrs Burt for the massive impacts you've made in so many children's lives. You've provided Chromebooks and technology for us to learn on. You've made camps possible and a whole lot of events possible for us children. Thank you for helping families in need and for always being the hard working people you are. We all love you lots!
Ofa lahi atu!
Pt England School,
Room 4,
term 2,
Year 7&8
What is the Biosphere
Walt: Learn about the biome
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about the Biosphere. We learnt about what it's about and what some Biome are. We watched videos and answered questions. We had a look at different biomes what animals and the different features of the biome.
Enjoy :/
Task Description:
In this presentation we learnt about the Biosphere. We learnt about what it's about and what some Biome are. We watched videos and answered questions. We had a look at different biomes what animals and the different features of the biome.
Enjoy :/
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Great Geometry ~ GG!
Walt: Relate three dimensional models to two dimensional representations.
Task description:
In this presentation we were tasked to make our own shapes. Using the same website we used a few days ago. We had to use 30 or less blocks to make a shape. We then had to paste it into our slides. We also had to look at the 3 dimensions of a shape. The top, front and right view. We looked at something slightly new today too! We had a look at temperatures and odd or greater numbers. We also had a look at some other things with the class. Enjoy :))
Task description:
In this presentation we were tasked to make our own shapes. Using the same website we used a few days ago. We had to use 30 or less blocks to make a shape. We then had to paste it into our slides. We also had to look at the 3 dimensions of a shape. The top, front and right view. We looked at something slightly new today too! We had a look at temperatures and odd or greater numbers. We also had a look at some other things with the class. Enjoy :))
A Brush with the Dark Side!
Walt: Use correct sentence structure
Task Description:
In this presentation we read 'A brush with a dark side.' We talked about it more with Mrs Stone and talked about what it meant and what it's about. Mrs Stone then moved onto Clause. It was a very fun task as this was way different to what I usually learn about.
Task Description:
In this presentation we read 'A brush with a dark side.' We talked about it more with Mrs Stone and talked about what it meant and what it's about. Mrs Stone then moved onto Clause. It was a very fun task as this was way different to what I usually learn about.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
2D Representations!
Walt: Relate three dimensional models to two dimensional representations.
Task Description:
Today we learnt the three dimensions of a 3D shape. The top view, front view and right view. We watched a video explaining what a 3D shape would look like from the top, front and right side. In the next slide after the previous slide we had a go ourselves. We had to circle the correct dimension. Showing either the front or top view. We then had a look at a video and made some shapes our selves with a specific amount of blocks. We looked at the 3 dimensions and made a couple more shapes.
Today was very fun as I have actually done some work like this before. We did it in previous years but it was nice being able to recap on these tasks and also do some work as a class. My slides do look a bit empty but I had to make sure I got this piece of work up onto my blog asap. So all I did was erase the small amount of work that I did not get around to finish. Hope you enjoy!
Task Description:
Today we learnt the three dimensions of a 3D shape. The top view, front view and right view. We watched a video explaining what a 3D shape would look like from the top, front and right side. In the next slide after the previous slide we had a go ourselves. We had to circle the correct dimension. Showing either the front or top view. We then had a look at a video and made some shapes our selves with a specific amount of blocks. We looked at the 3 dimensions and made a couple more shapes.
Today was very fun as I have actually done some work like this before. We did it in previous years but it was nice being able to recap on these tasks and also do some work as a class. My slides do look a bit empty but I had to make sure I got this piece of work up onto my blog asap. So all I did was erase the small amount of work that I did not get around to finish. Hope you enjoy!
Monday, 8 June 2020
What's the point? ~ Literacy work
Walt: Identify the author's purpose for writing
Task description:
Today in room 4 literacy we learnt about 'what the moral of a story is.' First we watched a video as a class. ~ The boy who cried wolf. We talked about what the moral was and pasted it into the slides. We then read a short story and did the same. We read - 'Lion and the mouse' We did a little recap on what the story was about and what the meaning behind the story was. Kindness given - Kindness gained. Our next task was to read 'The dinner party' We did the same with the previous stories then talked about it with the class. But our last task was to create our own story. We had to have a nice moral too.
Today's literacy work was pretty fun! I enjoyed making my own story and identifying the meanings behind the stories!
Task description:
Today in room 4 literacy we learnt about 'what the moral of a story is.' First we watched a video as a class. ~ The boy who cried wolf. We talked about what the moral was and pasted it into the slides. We then read a short story and did the same. We read - 'Lion and the mouse' We did a little recap on what the story was about and what the meaning behind the story was. Kindness given - Kindness gained. Our next task was to read 'The dinner party' We did the same with the previous stories then talked about it with the class. But our last task was to create our own story. We had to have a nice moral too.
Today's literacy work was pretty fun! I enjoyed making my own story and identifying the meanings behind the stories!
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Prisms, Hedrons ETC ~ 3D shapes!
Walt: Identify the properties of 3D shapes
Task Descriptions:
For the past few week's we've been learning about 3D shapes. Today we named some shapes, grouped some shapes finished the table then had a looked at nets. Not Fishing nets :) We looked at the different ways we could make our own net. Another way of making a cube! Mrs Stone then gave us some paper, scissors and a glue stick. We cut out our nets and folded it to make a prism or another 3D shape. I made a triangular prism. Then we were done for the day!
Task Descriptions:
For the past few week's we've been learning about 3D shapes. Today we named some shapes, grouped some shapes finished the table then had a looked at nets. Not Fishing nets :) We looked at the different ways we could make our own net. Another way of making a cube! Mrs Stone then gave us some paper, scissors and a glue stick. We cut out our nets and folded it to make a prism or another 3D shape. I made a triangular prism. Then we were done for the day!
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