
Friday 29 March 2019

Attitude Talks!

Today, we had a attitude talk. Now a attitude talk is when someone comes in and talks about things like, the way you act, friends and more. Today we talked about friendship factors. The person who came in to talk to us about this topic was Jannah. She was a amazing and comedic lady!

This talk included the types of friendships, how to ruin friendships, the myths of friendships and how to get friends. Now the types of friendships that we had talked about today is GG. GG means, girl  girl friendships, guy guy friendship and girl guy friendship.  What we learnt about our friendships is that girl girl friendships include a lot of drama. It also includes being connected and being very close. Now, guy guy friendships are most likely to be just like......sibling friendships. Which means they fight a lot!

Fun fact, Jannah's name means gracious gift! Now, Jannah was very energetic she made this talk a highlight of my year! Thanks to Jannah and her crew for making this happen.

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