Friday, 31 July 2020
The Watcher Of The South ~ Mrs Tapuke Inquiry :)
In the presentation above we had to complete the following slides. We watched a video and also took notes. We also had to put together a story. We watched a video with no noise and tried to correct the story we were putting together. We then listened to the story to see if we had it all correct :)
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Sweet fractions~ Room 4 - DMIC
WALT: Find equivalent fractions.
Today in DMIC we worked on our fractions. We are learning heaps about fractions, like how to convert fractions to decimals. Today we were focusing on lengths and equivalent fractions.
We had a question in front of the class for our DMIC group to answer. "Jahzara has a liquorice that is 12cm, she has 3 other friends. How is she going to split it evenly for the 4 of them?" We then worked out what our steps would be to solving our question. Once we worked that out we got onto splitting it evenly into quarters.
Our next question was, "Jahzara's other 2 friends arrive and would like some as well. How will you divide the lace again so each of them have the same amount?" We figured we needed to split it into 2/12 for everyone to get a equal amount. We cut up each of our quarters into three equal pieces (twelfths) and then everyone would get 2/12 like in the picture.
Friday, 24 July 2020
Paul Bunyan! ~ Room 1 Inquiry
Task Description:
In this presentation we got the opportunity to learn about Paul Bunyan. We watched videos about the Myth and wrote down notes about him. We talked amongst ourselves and talked about how it could've came to be. The last and final task we had was to highlight the special landmarks that connected to paul.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Cambodian Myth of Lightning, Thunder and Rain ~ Room 5!
Task Description:
Today in Room 5, we learnt about the Cambodian myths. We watched a video explaining what it was about. Lightning, thunder and rain! Our next task was to complete the Match'em up task. All we had to do was to match the correct items, ways and more to the correct God.
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Myth Of Hermes
Immersion Assembly~Term 3 :)
Welcome back to Term 3! Today is the first day back to school. We started off with an Immersion Assembly, discussing what this Terms theme is. Which is ' A World Of Difference ' First up was Team 1.
Team one mostly focused on how other people from other countries get to school, what they eat for lunch and what they do after school. Their main focus is to learn more about different countries. What they do before school, after and during. Schools in other countries are different to us and so I think it'll be cool that they're looking at how they work :)
Team Two had a set of the cartoon Dora. It was a cool way to present their movie. They had a look at other places around New Zealand. They had a look at the many famous places like, Rotorua and the mud pools, Queens town and the snow, ETC. They also made the choice to not only explore New Zealand but to also explore the world :)
Team 3 made a movie based off of 'The Amazing race.' Due to covid-19, some people haven't been able to travel the world. So they found a way to travel without getting on a plane. The amazing race had a whole bunch of challenges to complete. Visiting the many well known places around the world. Traveling to Egypt, New York, Rio and more.
Team 4! Team 4 looked at the different foods in other counties. They ate and discussed about where it comes from. They explored Google Earth and explored their food. I reckon this would be an amazing way to learn about different countries as many people do love food.
Team 5 based their movie off Sina and the Eel. We'll be looking at different Myths and Legends that link to different traditions and countries. We'll be showing our learning through, movies and animations. Although I know a few Myths around the polynesian area, it'll be cool learning more about different legends all around.
I'm very excited to learn lots this year. A fresh start to the term! Lets make the most of it :)
Team one mostly focused on how other people from other countries get to school, what they eat for lunch and what they do after school. Their main focus is to learn more about different countries. What they do before school, after and during. Schools in other countries are different to us and so I think it'll be cool that they're looking at how they work :)
Team Two had a set of the cartoon Dora. It was a cool way to present their movie. They had a look at other places around New Zealand. They had a look at the many famous places like, Rotorua and the mud pools, Queens town and the snow, ETC. They also made the choice to not only explore New Zealand but to also explore the world :)
Team 3 made a movie based off of 'The Amazing race.' Due to covid-19, some people haven't been able to travel the world. So they found a way to travel without getting on a plane. The amazing race had a whole bunch of challenges to complete. Visiting the many well known places around the world. Traveling to Egypt, New York, Rio and more.
Team 4! Team 4 looked at the different foods in other counties. They ate and discussed about where it comes from. They explored Google Earth and explored their food. I reckon this would be an amazing way to learn about different countries as many people do love food.
Team 5 based their movie off Sina and the Eel. We'll be looking at different Myths and Legends that link to different traditions and countries. We'll be showing our learning through, movies and animations. Although I know a few Myths around the polynesian area, it'll be cool learning more about different legends all around.
I'm very excited to learn lots this year. A fresh start to the term! Lets make the most of it :)
Monday, 13 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 1, Week 2 -Taking the lead!
Activity 1: TAKING THE LEAD. Playing favourites
Barack Obama was the President of the United States of America (USA) from 2009 - 2017. He made history as the first African American person to be elected President of the USA.
Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya, Africa and his mother was American. His parents divorced when he was young and his father died in a car crash when Barack was 21 years old. As a young man Barack studied law at university which is where he met his wife, Michelle.
Together, Barack and Michelle have spent much of their adult lives helping others and giving back to their community. When they are not at work, they can be found doing their favourite things, including spending time with their family, playing with their dog, or going to the gym.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you also enjoy spending time with family? Do you have a special
On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
Barack Obama was the President of the United States of America (USA) from 2009 - 2017. He made history as the first African American person to be elected President of the USA.
Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya, Africa and his mother was American. His parents divorced when he was young and his father died in a car crash when Barack was 21 years old. As a young man Barack studied law at university which is where he met his wife, Michelle.
Together, Barack and Michelle have spent much of their adult lives helping others and giving back to their community. When they are not at work, they can be found doing their favourite things, including spending time with their family, playing with their dog, or going to the gym.
What do you like to do for fun? Do you also enjoy spending time with family? Do you have a special
For this activity, create a list of your ‘Top 5’ favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things.On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
Friday, 10 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Extra Activity - Text mesage!
Extra - Text message
If you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa - what would it be? NO more than 10 words!
Write in screen here, take a pic and post on your blog to end your first week of our Winter Learning Journey.
If you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa - what would it be? NO more than 10 words!
Write in screen here, take a pic and post on your blog to end your first week of our Winter Learning Journey.
So many people get told their not good enough. I do not tolerate bullying and so I'm here to say that you are good enough. In my eyes and the Lords! We're all amazing people and no one should ever have to feel they have limits. I really enjoyed the first week of the Winter Leaning Journey with team 5 Students and Teachers! See you next week :/
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 5 - Quotes :)
Create a poster that shows 3 key quotes you have heard your parents/whanau say since your return to school in level 2.
These will be quotes - sayings that you find helpful from your whanau!
Post on your blog with a written explanation for each quote.
These will be quotes - sayings that you find helpful from your whanau!
Post on your blog with a written explanation for each quote.
Just an extra activity! I love sharing quotes as some are very inspiring to me and/or to others! These are the quotes/sayings my family and I have been saying to each other since lock down and also way back in time. Be kind everyone!
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 4 - Good as!
Activity 1:
In this activity you are to
1. Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date)
2. Write similes about this sports star
3. Publish both pieces on your blog!
Jonah was as fast as a cheetah and was as tough as a Lion. He Had a beautiful blessed heart like an angle and a smile as big as an emoji. Jonah stood out like Joseph and his unique coat (Genesis 37-50). He was as lovable as a kitten and bloomed like a sunflower. He gave everyone excitement like being able to move down to Covid 19-Level 1!
Today was one of my favourite activities so far. I was able to connected to this task and also had a lot of fun! I enjoyed writing about Jonah Lomu and enjoyed learning more about him! I don't actually have a favourite Kiwi Sports Star so I asked my dad who his favourite New Zealand sports star is! I knew Jonah as a amazing rugby star but I didn't look into his back story as much. So I'm glad I participated in this task today :)
In this activity you are to
1. Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date)
2. Write similes about this sports star
3. Publish both pieces on your blog!
Today was one of my favourite activities so far. I was able to connected to this task and also had a lot of fun! I enjoyed writing about Jonah Lomu and enjoyed learning more about him! I don't actually have a favourite Kiwi Sports Star so I asked my dad who his favourite New Zealand sports star is! I knew Jonah as a amazing rugby star but I didn't look into his back story as much. So I'm glad I participated in this task today :)
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 3 - Fast as!
Shelly-Ann was born and educated in Jamaica, a small country in the Caribbean that has produced many successful athletes and sportspeople. During her college years she did well in athletics, winning the Jamaican Schools Championships at the age of 16. She subsequently went on to win many races at both the Olympics and the World Championships. Over the years people have compared her running speed and that of other elite sprinters, like Usain Bolt, to many things, including animals!
When people make these comparisons, they often say things like: “Shelly-Ann is as fast as a cheetah” or “Shelly-Ann is fast like a fighter jet”. These comparisons are examples of similes. In many cases, similes are not exactly true.
______________________________________________________________________________________Activity 1: Faster than a speeding bullet
For this activity, please create four new similes. You can use the starters below or you can make up your own.
… is as fast as… (eg: The brand new Ferrari is as fast as a lightning bolt)
… is as tall as…
… is as small as…
… is beautiful like...
On your blog, share the similes that you have created with your readers.
1: He is as fast as a Cheetah
2: She is as brave as a Lion
3: She's is beautiful like and angle
4: The sun is like a burning flame in the sky
Another amazing activity! I was suppose to do this task yesterday but I was kind of busy :) Can't wait to do the next activity! See you guys tomorrow :)
Tuesday, 7 July 2020
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 2 - Tusitala
In this activity we got the chance to describe a well known character, BFG aka the Big Friendly Giant. We were also able to draw a picture of the big friendly giant. But since I've seen the movie and character many times it's hard to unsee what he looks like. I tried to draw him but every time I do it looks quiet the same :( This activity was very fun :) Listening to David read was very entertaining, seeing the expressions he uses :) This is actually, activity 2 but since I couldn't blog yesterday I decided to do it (also) today.
Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity one! - Explore your roots :)

Speaking of roots, Taika comes from a culturally diverse family. His dad is Māori (Te Whānau-a-Apanui) and his mother is Russian-Jewish. I, on the other hand, am Pākeha (New Zealand European). Most of my ancestors come from England. When I talk about who I am, and introduce myself to others, I sometimes use a pepeha.
For this activity, we would like to create your own pepeha. You can write the pepeha in any language that you wish. If you need some help, please visit this pepeha website or use this template.
Happy holidays! Today was the first day to be able to join in on the Winter learning Journey. Today's first activity was to learn and share our pepeha! I have a few pepeha but the pepeha I used is from my grandmother's side. I learnt my pepeha around last year but every now and then it's a good idea to go back to it :) I was actually think of just posting normal blog posts of daily diaries, etc. But I find this more interesting. More activities coming your way Team 5 teachers! Enjoy :)
Friday, 3 July 2020
Water Cycle Animation :)
This is my Term 2 animation. This term we looked at different things happening in the world. We had to choice to choose which one to base our animation off. I chose the water cycle! We were tasked to animate the water cycle and explain how it works with a voice over. We then had to edit it on Imovie and publish it on our blogs. I just got it done in time for it to be marked :) Lovely! Enjoy the ending too :) Very special!
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Term 2 Reflection :)
Kia Ora! Sadly, Term 2 for 2020 is coming to an end. We have had many fun and tragic times this term. Lockdown learning ~ Back to school and more! I have had amazing highlights from this term!
Lockdown Learning~
Lockdown learning was fun, yet tragic. Jumping on calls every morning to learn online with our teachers was a fun way to keep in contact with each other. We stressed a lot, not knowing if we were able to go back to school, due to Covid-19. Each day we were given our normal literacy and maths slides to complete and on top of that we were also given a education pack. Lending us, coloring pencils, books and pens!.
Back to school~
Coming back to school was a struggle as we still had to follow a lot of strict rules. We were still not able to touch people as we had to 'keep our distance.' Being back at school was a reliever, being able to see our teachers, friends and more was very heartwarming. We also made a move to our new home class. Off to Mrs Stone! For the past few weeks we listened in with our Prime Minister and made sure we were sticking to her rules. Sooner or later, we moved to level one, allowing us to now come closer with each other.
40 Famine~
40 hour famine was one of my highlights this term. We were able to create house forts out of cardboard. Play reverse charades and drink juice and eat bali sugars. We shared our thoughts on why we fundraise and fast for this cause. Making massive impacts on childrens and families lives is a good thing to do as some of them need a lot of help! Being able to be one of the peoples making impact on their lives and experiencing what they have been through means a lot!
This was a fun day for our whole school to connect and celebrate Maori New years. We got split up into different groups. Art and crafts, Sports, Cooking and Movie Making. Each group did their own creative thing. Making and doing things. I was in the arts and crafts group and I must say, it was a pretty fun experience. Others made delicious cookies, played some pretty cool sports, made some creations and movies! It was amazing to see our whole school come together and celebrate such an important even with everyone else! :)
As you have read, we have had quite a on and off term! We have also had a special person visit us at our school assembly. Joseph Parker! Thank you for sharing your experience and your amazing and inspiring quotes. I was also lucky enough to be a school leader and run the school assemblies! It was really fun!
I want to thank all the teachers, student and staff members for making amazing things possible this term. And to all you students, thank you for participating in a lot of awesome events! Can't wait for another term of excitement. Especially year 8 camp! I'm ready :)
Also a massive farewell to Miss Donaldson! Love towards you on your new journey! God Bless, we will miss you lots :)
Lockdown Learning~
Lockdown learning was fun, yet tragic. Jumping on calls every morning to learn online with our teachers was a fun way to keep in contact with each other. We stressed a lot, not knowing if we were able to go back to school, due to Covid-19. Each day we were given our normal literacy and maths slides to complete and on top of that we were also given a education pack. Lending us, coloring pencils, books and pens!.
Back to school~
Coming back to school was a struggle as we still had to follow a lot of strict rules. We were still not able to touch people as we had to 'keep our distance.' Being back at school was a reliever, being able to see our teachers, friends and more was very heartwarming. We also made a move to our new home class. Off to Mrs Stone! For the past few weeks we listened in with our Prime Minister and made sure we were sticking to her rules. Sooner or later, we moved to level one, allowing us to now come closer with each other.
40 Famine~
40 hour famine was one of my highlights this term. We were able to create house forts out of cardboard. Play reverse charades and drink juice and eat bali sugars. We shared our thoughts on why we fundraise and fast for this cause. Making massive impacts on childrens and families lives is a good thing to do as some of them need a lot of help! Being able to be one of the peoples making impact on their lives and experiencing what they have been through means a lot!
This was a fun day for our whole school to connect and celebrate Maori New years. We got split up into different groups. Art and crafts, Sports, Cooking and Movie Making. Each group did their own creative thing. Making and doing things. I was in the arts and crafts group and I must say, it was a pretty fun experience. Others made delicious cookies, played some pretty cool sports, made some creations and movies! It was amazing to see our whole school come together and celebrate such an important even with everyone else! :)
As you have read, we have had quite a on and off term! We have also had a special person visit us at our school assembly. Joseph Parker! Thank you for sharing your experience and your amazing and inspiring quotes. I was also lucky enough to be a school leader and run the school assemblies! It was really fun!
I want to thank all the teachers, student and staff members for making amazing things possible this term. And to all you students, thank you for participating in a lot of awesome events! Can't wait for another term of excitement. Especially year 8 camp! I'm ready :)
Also a massive farewell to Miss Donaldson! Love towards you on your new journey! God Bless, we will miss you lots :)
Mrs Stone,
Room 4,
term 2,
Writing 2020
The Million Pound Banknote! Part 2 :)
Walt: Respond critically to a literature
Task Description:
In this presentation we read/listened to the second part of our story. We answered the questions and thought about what was happening in the story. Once we completed the slides we were tasked to post it on our blogs!
Enjoy :)
Task Description:
In this presentation we read/listened to the second part of our story. We answered the questions and thought about what was happening in the story. Once we completed the slides we were tasked to post it on our blogs!
Enjoy :)
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