
Friday, 18 November 2016

Thursday, 10 November 2016


We weighed thing from the class room we also  estimated what the weight would be if you didn't now estimating means guessing but not fully guessing we used all we knew in our brains.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Making bread


Bush walk

It was time for sunrise, as you could see the sun from over the hill near Susy’s house. It was a sunny saturday morning as Susy was waking up from her good night sleep. Susy’s mother was at work but Susy’s dad was still home. Susy is a very kind girl, Susy uses her manners and looks after people who are hurt, but Susy had no sibling.

That day Susy saw her friends playing just across the road from her house. Susy shouted “Sophie, Sammy, Vinesa”  there was no reply Susy wordnerd maybe they can't hear me. So she went inside and told her dad if she could walk across the road to play with her friend. Susy’s dad answered yeah just look out for car so Susy took off.

Susy said to her friend let's go for a walk to the park. So Susy and her friends went to the park. While walking Susy saw some girls playing netball. Susy also played netball, she got most of the goals for her team so Susy  wanted to challenge them.

Susys and her friends ask if they want a challenge the they said “yeah sure but you're sort on players”  Susy didn't know what to do. But she wonder if they will be here tomorrow because she wanted to get more people by the time we played. But I wonder what would have happened that next day.