This is a photo of my shield. At the top it say interests. What you have to do is write down what you are interested in. On the bottom of the page it says values, what that means is what is most important to you. On the right side it says "Skills", You have to write down what you think your skills are. Last of all on the left side it says "Qualities" I would explain this as if that is what makes you! The qualities you choose to write down are the things that make you!
On the top left, you will (not really) see "My support crew". This means who supports you in other ways. The people I have down are My mum, my dad, my nana, my nanee, my pop's, my papa, my brother and all of my sister's. One of the reasons why I have got them all down is because I know they love me, and I know that I love them! At the bottom of that there is things saying if you (I) have asked someone in your support crew about your future carers, and what you want in the future.
On the top right you (again, not really) be able to see "Pathways to my future." At the bottom of that title you will want to put down what 2 jobs you would like in the future, how much they money they make per year and what subject you would need to take to become that job. I would love to be a optometrist or a photographer. (For specific reasons) they get payed (OPTM) $80,000/ $120,000, (PHOTO) $30,000. At the bottom of that there is a little box saying "My dreams and aspirations. This means what you want to be in the future and what you dream of in the future to!
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